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Social Responsibility to Tackle COVID-19 in Yemen


The HSA Group believes that their Corporate Social Responsibility is very high in addressing the spread of Coronavirus in Yemen.

The urgent need of the people of Yemen is to get some form of humanitarian assistance and protection to survive this deadly scare.

As a proactive measure, in co-ordination with WHO, we have joined hands with the United Nations, Tetra Pak, Unilever, Yemen Private Sector Cluster, and the Federation of Yemen Chambers of Commerce and Industry and formed “ IICY- International Initiative on Covid-19 in Yemen “ to provide medical supplies towards suppressing, mitigating and addressing Covid-19 in Yemen.

We believe in the power of partnership and is united in our desire to help Yemen in its time of need.

We warmly welcome other Private Sectors, Organizations, and NGOs to join us in our efforts.


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