
Our Companies

United Insurance Co.


Incorporated in 1981, UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY (UIC) is a subsidiary of Hayel Saeed Anam Group of Companies (HSA), which is one of the largest and most respected Private Groups of companies in the Middle East that has grown steadily and consistently into a multinational conglomerate with interests in trading, manufacturing, agriculture, financial services, and real estate.

Over the years of services, UIC has grown considerably and now has become the leading company in the Yemeni Market through a contingent of highly qualified and experienced personnel; UIC ensures that its clients are served with a high standard of professionalism.

More recently, UIC has complemented its service activities by successfully implementing ISO 9001-2000 system and has obtained this important certificate to be the first insurance company in Yemen and one of the few Arab insurance companies to obtain this certificate.

UIC has a number of branches all over Yemen and employs a team of over 125 qualified personnel.