
Our Companies

Arwa Mineral Water Company


It is one of the pioneering mineral water companies in the Republic of Yemen. It was established on 16 May 1978, as one of the Yemeni limited companies.

A number of geological studies have been implemented on several regions in the country, with the participation of International specialized companies. Choosing (Shamlan) area as the most appropriate location for executing, the project was the prosperous outcome of these studies.

Earlier studies carried out before the project execution proved that the (Shamlan) area is distinguished from the other regions, because it contains highly pure natural mineral water, with high international specifications in quality and purity.

A number of specialized technicians carry out regular water check operations by taking random samples to be checked in the laboratory, which is furnished with sophisticated apparatus. Other samples are sent regularly to international specialized laboratories and scientific centers, which always grant Arwa co. certificates witnessing the high quality and purity of Shamlan water.

The company was awarded the European Great prize for quality a couple of times. One from Madrid in 1988, and the other from Genera in 1998.

The company guarantees its personnel comprehensive safety, medical and insurance service and provides them with the required training sessions.