
Our Companies

Aden Gulf Maritime Company


The Aden Gulf Maritime Company has been established by Hayel Saeed Anam Group (HAS) of companies to facilitate the economic development of Yemen and its international trading businesses. The company is the first private sector company to construct a marine berth which is the first dry and general cargo terminal in the country…The Activity of AGT has been launched in March 2006.

The main objective of the jetty is to accommodate & handle Panamax bulk carriers up to 80,000 tons for our sister company Yemen Company For Flour Mills & Silos and to increase the capacity of Aden port by receiving large vessels with a bigger draft.

The jetty, Aden Gulf Terminal (AGT), was designed as a finger shape berth that is according to international standards and built by well-known international companies that have a strong track record in the construction of similar marine structures.


The AGT extends from a point just north of the RoRo berth on the western side of the Ma’alla Wharf to a mooring dolphin built close to the 700 meters diameter turning area south of the Aden Container Terminal (ACT). It, therefore, has an excellent approach from water depths of 15 meters in the turning area at chart datum (CD).

The AGT has an overall length of 303 meters, and it is 28 meters wide. It has two berths, one on the north side (berth No. 1) with a depth of 14 meters below CD, and one on the south side (berth No. 2) with an alongside depth of 12 meters.

Characteristics and Advantages of the AGT:

  • Allows Panamax size vessels up to 80,000 tons carrying general/bulk cargo to berth for the first time at Aden Port.
  • Allows consignees to buy/ship larger quantities of cargo to Aden as one consignment on a large ship, thus reducing freight rates for their cargo.
  • Allows shipping lines calling Aden port and nearby ports to arrange and load larger shipments of up to 80000 tons in one vessel, thus reducing operating costs and increasing profit margins.
  • Provides Aden Port with additional berthing space that can handle large dry/bulk/general cargo ships which is impossible to berth the Ma’alla wharf and increases the overall cargo handling capacity of the port.

Ship Unloader and Conveyor System:

The Hayel Saeed Anam Group believes that improving and developing the level of loading/unloading operations at Yemeni ports is very important to the country. It is also aware of the need to minimize environmental contamination. The jetty, therefore, has been provided with a ship unloader and conveyor system…This system is designed to minimize the generation of dust during discharging operation of wheat directly from the vessels to the silos.  The average capacity of the evacuator is 650tph, and it can also reach up to 800 tph under optimum conditions.

The main Advantages of using the ship unloader are:

  • Reducing the discharging operation time, saving on demurrage costs/expenses, and reducing the alongside staying.
  • Reducing the impact on the environment by cutting down dust emissions that can occur when handling wheat.
  • Increase safety at the terminal by eliminating the use of trucks to shift wheat directly from the ships to the silos and avoid any loss of cargo during transport of the wheat from ship/vessel to silos intake that would result from the use of trucks.